Monday, September 14, 2009


Fall officially starts next Tuesday the 22nd but I, as usual, couldn't wait that long. I spent Labor Day doing a little fall decorating around the house.  I just love the opportunity to put splashes of orange everywhere and not feel weird about it. I really don't know why I seem to be afraid of the color orange. Possibly it has something to do with those mean kids that called me carrot top when I was growing up. I wish I had had the spunk that Ann had when Gilbert called her the same but instead I would just feel shame and hurt for being so different.  I often wondered why God had decided that of all the colors of hair that he could have given me....he chose red. It took many years of enduring the teasing before I came to realize that God actually gave me something special. Redheads actually make up only one percent of the world's population! That makes me incredibly unique. I came to terms with my hair color when I was in my early twenties and have loved it ever since. So..back to fall are just a few fun photos from and to inspire. As soon as my camera batteries charge up I will post some pics of my own fall decor.

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled onto your blog, I just love it!
    I have a daughter with red hair..she was asked all her life.."Where did you get that red hair?"
    So I wrote a little poem for her about it. She is beautiful too, her name is Jennifer.
    I have been blogging since last christmas, my daughters said I had to learn it..I just love it ! Come say Hi on mine if you'd like.
